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Bali Tourists May Face Fines for Not Paying Tourism Tax

Bali Tourists May Face Fines for Not Paying Tourism Tax

The Acting Governor of Bali, Sang Made Mahendra Jaya, has announced plans to introduce fines for tourists who do not pay the Bali Tourism Tax Levy. This fee, mandatory for all international visitors, is set at IDR 150,000 per person.

Despite extensive marketing campaigns and collaboration with travel agents, tour providers, and the hospitality sector, many tourists remain unaware of this requirement. Current data indicates that over 60% of eligible international arrivals are not paying the fee, with some intentionally avoiding it and others simply unaware of its existence.

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The legislation, which took effect on February 14, 2024, mandates that tourists pay the fee before leaving the country. However, enforcement has been challenging, and there are currently no fines or criminal penalties for non-payment. Acting Governor Jaya believes that introducing minor criminal sanctions could improve compliance.

Spot checks are conducted twice a month at major cultural attractions, where tourists must show their QR-code voucher as proof of payment. Those without proof are asked to pay on the spot. Despite generating over USD 7.1 million in revenue, only 40% of tourists are contributing, leaving significant room for improvement.

Political leaders and tourism stakeholders have proposed increasing the fee to USD 50 per person. This potential change, along with possible sanctions for non-compliance, is under review. Acting Governor Jaya hopes to update the policy to include fines or penalties for tourists who fail to pay.

The revenue from the Bali Tourism Tax Levy is intended to support projects aimed at nurturing nature, conserving culture, and improving tourism infrastructure. However, specific plans for the allocation of these funds have yet to be detailed.

Deputy Chair of PHRI Badung, I Gusti Ngurah Rai Suryawijaya, supports the introduction of criminal sanctions and suggests improving the QR-code voucher inspection system. He advocates for making it easier for tourists to pay the fee before arriving in Bali, requiring cooperation with international government bodies.

For tourists planning their visit to Bali, it’s crucial to be aware of the Bali Tourism Tax Levy and ensure compliance to avoid potential fines use Legal Services from Bali.online Catalog

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